
Best-in-class YouTube Content ID starts here

Maximum earnings, effortless management, and complete control. Protect and monetize your music right from your catalog's source of truth. Our top-tier payouts and best-in-class manual claiming helped dozens of catalogs grow their YouTube revenue by over 100% last year.

Why go with us? Here’s why:

SourceAudio OTHER GUYS

Monitor & monetize your music on YouTube

Collect at the highest possible rates available to the industry

Automate your new music claims instantly (no need to do anything!)

Integrated reporting inside your primary CMS

Allow-list channels and videos yourself, instantly

Proprietary manual claiming technology

Manage claims and releases yourself, instantly

Match or beat payout splits industry-wide

Full-time, expert tech support

Seamless & instant onboarding (your files are ready to go when you’re on SourceAudio!)

Free promo services for large channels

YouTube Content ID
Powered by SourceAudio

Maximize ad revenue from your content on YouTube with our DIY claiming, allow-listing & reporting tools Powered by SourceAudio

+ Turnkey, DIY Management

Identify the tracks on your SourceAudio site you want to monetize on YouTube

+ No Upfront Costs

No setup fees or ongoing costs, we just ask for a small rev share fee

+ Live Claim Manager

See your music usage in real-time and instantly release claims as needed.

+ Promotional Services

Optional, free promo services with channel partners totaling over 2mm subscribers.

+ Get Paid Quarterly

Starting point for revenue splits is the best in the industry as standard

The Best Way to License
Music for Youtube

Our DIY allow-listing functionality lets your customers license one of your songs, download it, & instantly allow-list their YouTube channel so it is free & clear of potential take-downs or 3rd party monetization.

License a Song

Download the File

Allow-list YouTube Channel

Get Started Now


Review and digitally sign the Agreement located in the programs & Opportunities section of your site Admin panel.


Identify the tracks, albums & / or labels you want to monetize via your SA site. No extra uploading or metadata submissions needed.


Tracks are reviewed and compiled by SourceAudio & then directly ingested into the YouTube Content ID system. It's that simple.

Do even more with our API

+ Easily integrate with other Enterprise/third-party systems or create your own custom front-end

+ Hosting, search, metadata, file delivery, broadcast monitoring and AI-powered features available

Setup your demo now