
Unlock Even More with Our Powerful API

Harness all of the powerful features of the SourceAudio platform with our REST API.

Create a custom music search site

With our comprehensive API, your site developer can build your own custom front end while you update and manage assets on your existing SourceAudio site.

Save time, effort, and money

+ Track Hosting

Automate the upload process to add new music to a SourceAudio site. Whether you want to maintain your own SourceAudio site alongside your own internal system or you need to make your catalog available to a client/agent on our network, our API allows you to add new music to SourceAudio.

+ Broadcast Monitoring

Use the audio upload capability of our API to add new music to your SourceAudio site and every piece of audio can be instantly water-marked. Then, use our capabilities to add the watermarked files to your own system and to disseminate them to your clients & agents.

+ Author Metadata

Author new metadata or edit/remove metadata on your SourceAudio API. Make sure your metadata is always synced up with your own internal systems so that it's up-to-date and optimized for search on your SourceAudio (or own) site.

+ Search for Tracks

Let SourceAudio power your own internal music search system. Use our API to manage your music and metadata updates on SourceAudio and we can superpower your own internal and client-facing search system.

+ Get Track Info

Use our API to retrieve detailed metadata records for any track hosted on your SourceAudio site. Look up tracks by title, artist, album, composer, publisher, label, catalog and more. This is an incredibly helpful tool when it comes to quickly accessing data records for cue sheet compilation and delivery.

+ Remove Music

We know that removing music from your catalog can be as important as adding new music. Use our API to instantly remove music from SourceAudio as it's removed from your own internal system.

+ Sonic Search

Superpower your own internal search system with SonicSearch. This proprietary technology allows you to find music with music; use YouTube links, SoundCloud links or upload any audio file and SonicSearch will return musically similar results.

+ Natural Language Search

Search for music just like you’d speak to a Music Supervisor and let our best-in-class AI do the rest. Try a prompt like “I want a song that sounds like a suspense scene from a 1980’s movie” and be blown away by the results!

Do even more with our API

+ Easily integrate with other Enterprise/third-party systems or create your own custom front-end

+ Hosting, search, metadata, file delivery, broadcast monitoring and AI-powered features available

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