
Our Clients Agree – AI Search is Revolutionizing Music Searches

By Jarrett Santarsiero | Updated August 1, 2023

Our clients’ testimonials detail their experience with AI natural language search in their own words.

“SourceAudio’s new [AI] search tool allows our users to collaborate with a hyper-accurate AI on their music searches. By mentioning a reference track or just asking for a specific mood, track quality, usage scenario, or genre, [AI] synthesizes the perfect keywords for running that search in our library. It’s made searches faster and more accurate than ever!”
– Eddie Caldwell
Music Of The Sea Inc.

“[AI search] has been an absolute game-changer. Whether we need upbeat tunes for a promotional video or ambient melodies for a heartfelt documentary, [AI search] delivers the right music every time. We wholeheartedly recommend [AI search] 1.0 AI-powered track searches to anyone in the creative industry who seeks the perfect harmony between visuals and sound.”
– Natalia Novikova
ROBA Production Music

“SourceAudio’s [AI search] and Sonic Search tools help us gather a larger, more relevant group of tracks much faster than keyword searches and filters alone.”
– Sharon Jennings
Bam Music

“Our customers in France are very happy with this solution. It saves them time, and coupled with the Sonic Search tool, it saves them at least 30% of the time they normally spend searching for music. It’s a very current functionality and allows you to stay in the race and ahead of the competition.”
– Philippe Besson

[AI search] is a powerful tool to use on any search that comes in—especially when the client has specific reference tracks or artists. It’s the icing on the search engine cake, and I’m excited to see how it will continue to evolve and improve.” 
– Josh Nathan
Level 77 Music

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