
Site Theme Presets and New Features for Customizing Album, Artist, and Many More Pages are Live!

By Jarrett Santarsiero | Updated August 17, 2022

We’ve added new capabilities to create more vivid, immersive branding on many SourceAudio site pages!

Customize your site’s color scheme in a single click with our new site theme presets!

Save valuable time by setting up your site’s branding with any of our six preset themes. You can even make adjustments after implementing a preset theme to fine-tune your branding. These tools are found in Edit Site Settings » Appearance » Colors.

Add a background photo to display behind your album, playlist, artist, writer, publisher, label, or catalog page information

You can also opt to fill the space behind your page’s information with an auto-generated color gradient based on the page’s artwork or a solid color of your choosing. All color for this section including the background color with a gradient or banner and all the text is in Edit Site Settings » Appearance » Colors, under List Headers.

Artwork at the top of these pages now displays larger than before, taking up the full height of the space between your nav bar and tracklist. You can also opt to not display the album artwork at the top of the page, and just show the banner artwork behind the page information

We know that artwork and playlists are two major components of site functionality so track artwork appears larger site wide, and the playlist sidebar is also larger now.

We even gave track plages a sleek new look!

We put a greater emphasis on the most essential elements of your track pages by adding a bold artwork placement to the left of your waveform and moving key admin tools together above the file format listings.

Setup your demo now